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Audio-Visual Production Skills Audit

This week we have been asked to discuss what AVP skills I have in preparation for the module. Core AVP Skills: - Filming : Limited as I...

Advanced Avatar Movement

I've added to my basic avatar controller and added in the functionality for it to support input from an Xbox controller.

Melee Combat

This week I added melee combat to the project. When the player gets close to the enemy, the enemy detects and moves towards the player....

Moving Platform Sequence

This week I created a moving platform sequence. The sequence is comprised of 3 simple platforms. I used empty game objects to plot points...



Follow Camera

This week I added the functionality to pan the camera around the player. This can be done using either the mouse or right joystick of an...

Collectables and Particles

This week I've created two basic power-ups and a particle effect for each of them. The first power-up is a sprint ability. After you pick...

Basic Logic and Cut-scene

This week I've created a basic, button operated door. When the player walks up to the button, the door opens. On the other side of the...

Basic Avatar in Unity

This week I've created a basic avatar in Unity. It is the following features: - Walk forwards, backwards, left, right and strafe - Jump -...

Gameplay Programmer

What is it? Gameplay programming is where game design is accomplished. If you are a programmer, you're the one who must make real what a...

Blog: Blog2
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